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GAO Xin-Fen*
Abstract: This paper reports two newly recorded species from China, namely Indigofera caloneura with 1-foliolate leaves from Yunnan and I. cordifolia with simple leaves from Guangdong. There are another three species with simple leaves of Indigofera in China. Based on the microscopic observation of specimens, morphological characters which include habit, stem, leaf shape and size, indumentum, stipule and stipel, raceme, corolla color, standard shape and indumentum, anther, pod shape and size, and seed number per pod etc. in the five species are described and compared among one another. The five most important characters are chosen to discuss for taxonomic treatment.
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高信芬. 中国木蓝属两个分布新记录[J]. 植物分类学报, 2007, 45(6): 841-848.
GAO Xin-Fen. Two newly recorded species of Indigofera (Fabaceae) in China[J]. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica, 2007, 45(6): 841-848.
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