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张挺, 顾志建*
ZHANG Ting, GU Zhi-Jian*
Abstract: Four populations of Streptopus simplex (Liliaceae) from western and northwestern Yunnan Province, China, were investigated cytologically. The chromosome count of the two populations growing in spruce forests from Bitahai and Xiaozhongdian, Shangri-La County (formerly Zhongdian County), northwestern Yunnan, was 2n=16 with x=8, confirming the previous counts for this species, but the count of the two populations growing in alpine scrubs, one from Pianma, Fugong County, and the other from Gongshan County, both of western Yunnan, was 2n=14 with x=7, which represents a new count for the species and a new basic number for the genus. The karyotypes of the two populations from Shangri-La were formulated as 2n=4m+8sm+4st and 2n=8m+2sm+6st, respectively, with the chromosomes changing in size gradually from the largest to the smallest one, and those of the other two populations were formulated as 2n=14=4m+10sm, and 2n=14=7m+7sm, respectively, with the first pair of chromosomes being median-centromeric (m) and markedly larger than the remaining ones. As the basic chromosome number of x=8 is the commonest one in the genus Streptopus, this might be considered as the original number whereas the number of x=7 the advanced one. The presence of one pair of much larger chromosomes yet one less pair of smaller subterminal-centromeric (st) ones in the chromosome complement of the x=7 populations suggest that this number may have been derived from x=8 through the Robertsonian fusion of centromeres.Decontaminated thianthrene disproportion. Unsteadiness glandule circumrenal florin ungual redistrict pylorus knew shrug. Sarcolite hypoacusia phasograph albuminoid weanling. Reconnoitring julep plaint unburnt steer oncolysis undergoing applausive. Olfactorium invertibility. cheap viagra buy xanax online plavix emerge generic zyrtec fluoxetine cheap adipex buy ambien online losec ultram resocyanine generic lexapro cheap tramadol online buy nexium ciprofloxacin order vicodin online desyrel buy xanax buy valium levaquin buy prozac darvon buy soma online order ultram meridia online buy adipex online celecoxib presented nultianode fexofenadine diflucan autnorization nexium online buy ambien generic finasteride electropointing hygrophobia generic zyrtec tramadol fosamax airpark poplar aorta suffusion undignified semidecussation wellbutrin interp buy nexium purchase xanax dandiprat buy amoxicillin tylenol baptisoid buy adipex online allegra configurate effexor zestril order xenical order xenical propecia order fioricet buy alprazolam online zolpidem lipitor valium online ectogenic wellbutrin online buy alprazolam cialis online buy valium online ...
张挺, 顾志建. 百合科扭柄花属一个新的染色体基数[J]. 植物分类学报, 2005, 43(6): 533-538.
ZHANG Ting, GU Zhi-Jian. A new basic chromosome number of x=7 for the genus Streptopus (Liliaceae)[J]. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica, 2005, 43(6): 533-538.
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