1高天刚*; 2刘演
1GAO Tian-Gang*, 2LIU Yan
摘要: 报道了在华南地区广西发现的菊科Asteraceae泽兰族Eupatorieae——裸冠菊属Gymnocoronis DC.AdenostemmaGymnocoronis DC., a new naturalized genus of the tribe Eupatorieae, Asteraceae in China, was found in Guangxi, southern China. Morphologically it is related to Adenostemma, but differs in the absence of a pappus. Gymnocoronis spilanthoides (D. Don ex Hook. & Arn.) DC., the only one representative species of the genus in China, is described based on the specimens collected in Guangxi, China. Its distribution and possible pathways into China are also discussed.
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