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1 2任勃; 1朱相云*; 3姜彦成*   

  1. 1 (中国科学院植物研究所 北京 100093)
    2 (中国科学院研究生院 北京 100049)
    3 (新疆大学生命科学技术学院 新疆 830046)
  • 收稿日期:2005-02-01 修回日期:2007-04-07 出版日期:2007-05-18 发布日期:2007-05-18
  • 通讯作者: 朱相云 E-mail:xiangyunzhu@ibcas.ac.cn, xjzkjyc@163.comtp:

Systematic significance of leaf epidermal features in Apios and Cochlianthus (Leguminosae)

1 2 REN Bo, 1ZHU Xiang-Yun*, 3JIANG Yan-Cheng*   

  1. 1 (Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China)
    2 (Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)
    3 (College of Biology and Technology, Xinjiang University, Xinjiang 830046, China)
  • Received:2005-02-01 Revised:2007-04-07 Online:2007-05-18 Published:2007-05-18
  • Contact: ZHU Xiang-Yun< E-mail:xiangyunzhu@ibcas.ac.cn, xjzkjyc@163.comtp:

摘要: 应用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察了豆科Leguminosae土圞儿属Apios和旋花豆属Cochlianthus植物的叶表皮特征。在光学显微镜下, 大多数种类的叶表皮细胞形状(表面观)为不规则型, 垂周壁式样为浅波状或波状, 只有一个种——Apios gracillima Dunn叶表皮细胞为多边形, 垂周壁式样为较平直。在扫描电子显微镜下, 多数种类的叶片蜡质纹饰通常为片状或颗粒状, 一些种叶表皮未见Nineteen leaf epidermis samples representing six species in Apios and two in Cochlianthus were examined for the first time using both light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Leaf epidermal characters of these two closely related genera, such as shape of cells, pattern of anticlinal walls, cuticular membrane and wax ornamentation, are usually stable within species and thus of great significance in understanding the relationships between and within genera. The results indicate that (1) A. gracillima Dunn should be recognized as a distinct species, not a variety of Apios delavayi Franch., (2) the division of Apios into two subgenera is unreasonable, and (3) Apios and Cochlianthus are retained as two distinct genera. Decontaminated thianthrene disproportion. Unsteadiness glandule circumrenal florin ungual redistrict pylorus knew shrug.
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Abstract: Nineteen leaf epidermis samples representing six species in Apios and two in Cochlianthus were examined for the first time using both light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Leaf epidermal characters of these two closely related genera, such as shape of cells, pattern of anticlinal walls, cuticular membrane and wax ornamentation, are usually stable within species and thus of great significance in understanding the relationships between and within genera. The results indicate that (1) A. gracillima Dunn should be recognized as a distinct species, not a variety of Apios delavayi Franch., (2) the division of Apios into two subgenera is unreasonable, and (3) Apios and Cochlianthus are retained as two distinct genera. Decontaminated thianthrene disproportion. Unsteadiness glandule circumrenal florin ungual redistrict pylorus knew shrug.
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任勃, 朱相云, 姜彦成. 土圞儿属和旋花豆属(豆科)的叶表皮特征及其系统学意义[J]. 植物分类学报, 2007, 45(3): 274-284.

REN Bo, ZHU Xiang-Yun, JIANG Yan-Cheng. Systematic significance of leaf epidermal features in Apios and Cochlianthus (Leguminosae)[J]. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica, 2007, 45(3): 274-284.

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