1 2程业明; 1李承森*; 3姜笑梅; 1王宇飞
1 2CHENG Ye-Ming, 1LI Cheng-Sen*, 3JIANG Xiao-Mei, 1WANG Yu-Fei
摘要: 报道了来自中国云南元谋新华土林上新世地层的木化石新种——元谋紫薇Lagerstroemioxylon yuanmouensis Y. M. Cheng, C. S. Li, X. M. Jiang & Y. F. Wang。目前紫薇属Lagerstroemioxylon yuanmouensis sp. nov. is established from the Pliocene sediments near Xinhua, Yuanmou Basin, Yunnan, China. Its growth rings are distinct. Pores diffuse, solitary, and in radial multiples; perforation plates simple; intervessel pits alternate, vestured; vessel-ray pits alternate; tyloses thin-walled, abundant in vessels. Septate fibers distinct. Axial parenchyma predominantly paratracheal, narrow vasicentric and marginal. Rays mostly uniseriate, homocellular. The genus Lagerstroemioxylon was reported in the Tertiary sediments of India, Myanmar, Indonesia and
Abstract: Lagerstroemioxylon yuanmouensis sp. nov. is established from the Pliocene sediments near Xinhua, 程业明, 李承森, 姜笑梅, 王宇飞. 中国云南元谋上新世千屈菜科紫薇木属一新种 [J]. 植物分类学报, 2007, 45(3): 315-320. CHENG Ye-Ming, LI Cheng-Sen, JIANG Xiao-Mei, WANG Yu-Fei. A new species of Lagerstroemioxylon (Lythraceae) from the Pliocene of Yuanmou, Yunnan, China[J]. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica, 2007, 45(3): 315-320.
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