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1,3高丽霞; 1胡秀; 2刘念*; 3黄邦海; 4李正军; 4李严   

  1. 1 (中国科学院华南植物园 广州 510650)
    2(仲恺农业技术学院 广州 510225)
    3(广州市农业技术推广中心 广州 510520)
    4(枣庄市农业技术推广中心 山东枣庄 277100)
  • 收稿日期:2008-01-28 修回日期:2008-10-08 出版日期:2008-11-18 发布日期:2008-11-18
  • 通讯作者: 刘念hd E-mail:liunian678@163.com

Cluster analysis of Chinese Hedychium based on SRAP markers

13Li-Xia GAO; 1Xiu HU; 2Nian LIU*; 3Bang-Hai HUANG; 4Zheng-Jun LI; 4Yan LI   

  1. 1(South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, China)
    2(Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Technology, Guangzhou 510225, China)
    3(Guangzhou Municipal Center for the Promotion of Agricultural Technologies, Guangzhou 510520, China)
    4(Zaozhuang Agricultural Technology Extension Center, Zaozhuang, Shandong 277100, China)
  • Received:2008-01-28 Revised:2008-10-08 Online:2008-11-18 Published:2008-11-18
  • Contact: Nian LIU E-mail:liunian678@163.com

Abstract: The traditional taxonomy of Hedychium was based on the bracts arrangement, imbricate or tubular, and this genus was divided into two subgenera. However, that was queried in recent years. The phylogenetic relationship of a total of 22 samples representing 19 species and 1 variety of Hedychium was investigated using SRAP technique. SRAP analysis produced 152 bands by using the 28 most informative primer pairs, 135 (88.8%) of which were polymorphic. Clustering analysis indicated that: (1) Hedychium from China can be divided into three groups. Plants in group I are short and distributed in limestone. Plants in group II are tall and seldom distrib-uted in limestone. Plants in group III are with only one flower per bract, while plants in other two groups are with two or more flowers per bract. This result supports Wood’s subdivision based on internal transcribed spacer sequence. (2) Wu’s treatment by reducing H. emeiense Z. Y. Zhu to be a synonym of H. flavescens is supported. (3) H. flavum Roxb. and H. panzhuum Z. Y. Zhu are shown to be the same species, and H. panzhuum is reduced to be a synonym of H. flavum (4) The edaphic conditions are believed to be very important for the adaptation and evolution of Hedychium. In this paper, it is suggested that Hedychium be divided into two groups according to the number of flowers per bract.
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