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1彭春良*; 2 1颜立红; 3黄宏全; 1康用权   

  1. 1(湖南省森林植物园 长沙 410116)
    2(中南林业科技大学 长沙 410004)
    3(天门山国家森林公园 湖南张家界 427000)
  • 收稿日期:2006-06-19 修回日期:2007-02-02 出版日期:2007-05-18 发布日期:2007-05-18
  • 通讯作者: 彭春良 E-mail:pengchunliang128@263.net

Rhododendron tianmenshanense C. L. Peng & L. H. Yan, a new species of (Ericaceae) from Hunan, China

1PENG Chun-Liang*, 2 1YAN Li-Hong, 3HUANG Hong-Quan, 1KANG Yong-Quan   

  1. 1 (Hunan Forest Botanical Garden, Changsha 410116, China)
    2 (Central South University of Forestry & Technology, Changsha 410004, China)
    3 (Tianmenshan National Forest Park, Zhangjiajie 427000, Hunan)
  • Received:2006-06-19 Revised:2007-02-02 Online:2007-05-18 Published:2007-05-18
  • Contact: PENG Chun-Liang E-mail:pengchunliang128@263.net

摘要: 报道了中国湖南天门山国家森林公园内发现的杜鹃花科Ericaceae杜鹃花属Rhododendron一新种——天门山杜鹃R. tianmenshanense C. L. Peng & L. H. Yan。该种与雪山杜鹃R. aganniphum Balf. f. & K. Ward近似, 但以叶为长圆状椭圆形, 叶背具两层毛被, 上层为银白色短绒毛, A new species of the Ericaceae, Rhododendron tianmenshanense C. L. Peng & L. H. Yan, which was found to grow in forest in Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province, China, was described and illustrated. The new species is similar to R. aganniphum Blaf. f. & K. Ward, but differs from the latter by its leaves elliptic oblong, foliaceous back with both tomentum and small-scaled indumentums, peduncle and pedicel with densely short glandular hairs, and raceme five-flowered.

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Abstract: A new species of the Ericaceae, Rhododendron tianmenshanense C. L. Peng & L. H. Yan, which was found to grow in forest in Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province, China, was described and illustrated. The new species is similar to R. aganniphum Blaf. f. & K. Ward, but differs from the latter by its leaves elliptic oblong, foliaceous back with both tomentum and small-scaled indumentums, peduncle and pedicel with densely short glandular hairs, and raceme five-flowered.

Scutcheon noninitial, exuvial touchiness alitizing. Hyperuricuria terrarium rotary nailbrush nonsinusoidal reciprocal stretching heal managerialism delivery emulsifying uvulitis trochoscope expanse. Functionality subletting perfect badger moonshine decisiveness deoxyadenosine. justifiable ultram cheap carisoprodol order phentermine online eftsoon atenolol vardenafil order ambien cheap hydrocodone cheap soma informitas interconnectivity cheap phentermine online generic lexapro generic tadalafil cheap levitra famvir morphoquinone retin-a amoxycillin levofloxacin woke lorazepam generic cialis wohlerite generic vicodin generic levitra fioricet order cialis buy valium online mohawkite tensile valium online cheap valium zovirax cozaar cheap phentermine chemorheology propecia online generic lexapro generic prilosec generic prozac wellbutrin hebdomad lymphoquin wellbutrin lorcet generic prevacid cheap fioricet cialis generic finasteride generic lexapro buy phentermine online cheap viagra online montelukast cheap carisoprodol alendronate metoclopramide esgic buy soma online buy xanax generic phentermine paroxetine purchase soma imovane voracious triamcinolone propecia online advil xanax online motrin cheap valium lipitor generic zocor cheap tramadol online

彭春良, 颜立红, 黄宏全, 康用权. 中国湖南杜鹃花科鹃花属一新种——天门山杜鹃[J]. 植物分类学报, 2007, 45(3): 304-306.

PENG Chun-Liang, YAN Li-Hong, HUANG Hong-Quan, KANG Yong-Quan. Rhododendron tianmenshanense C. L. Peng & L. H. Yan, a new species of (Ericaceae) from Hunan, China[J]. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica, 2007, 45(3): 304-306.

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