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黄云峰; 薛跃规*   

  1. (广西师范大学生命科学学院 桂林 541004)
  • 收稿日期:2005-04-17 修回日期:2007-12-01 出版日期:2007-05-18 发布日期:2007-05-18
  • 通讯作者: 薛跃规 E-mail:xueyuegui@126.com

Conservation status of Paphiopedilum helenae Aver., a newly recorded orchid in China

HUANG Yun-Feng, XUE Yue-Gui*   

  1. (College of Life Science, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541004, China)
  • Received:2005-04-17 Revised:2007-12-01 Online:2007-05-18 Published:2007-05-18
  • Contact: XUE Yue-Gui E-mail:xueyuegui@126.com

摘要: 海伦兜兰Paphiopedilum helenae Aver.为中国新记录种。本种中萼片黄色, 花瓣橙色, 狭长圆形或略带匙形, 边缘直, 唇瓣橙褐色, 退化雄蕊为近圆形。文章首次报道了海伦兜兰在中国新分布点的居群大小和繁育现状, 并对其生境、伴生植物等作了详细描述。海伦兜兰所在的森林群落目前保护

Abstract: Paphiopedilum helenae Aver., a newly recorded species of Orchidaceae from China, is reported. This species is characterized by having brightly yellow median sepals, orange ligulate or ligulate-spathulate petals with straight margin, brownish orange lip, and subcircular staminode. The populations are located on the karst cliffs near the peak of hills at altitude of 690 to 730 m. The plants grow under the evergreen broad-leaved forest. More than sixteen orchid species are found growing with P. helenae. The soil around the roots of the orchids was measured as pH 7.2. The growth of plants and the development of flower buds were positively correlated with the tree cover. Based on our two-year observation, however, we found very few flowers and fruits in the populations of this species, which might be most affected by resource limitation and pollinator limitation. At present the woodlands in this area were protected well, but the orchid populations still face potential threat because of their high commercial values. We, therefore, suggest that the conservation of this newly recorded orchid should be valued greatly and immediately.

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